About me

I am Lilas, and I am nutritionist and a demographer working in research related to public health. I’m a huge animal lover, I also care a lot about the environment. I speak English, Arabic and Dutch. 
When I arrived to Groningen in 2015, I adopted my cat Sami and started a new page. In 2016 I started pet sitting as a way to connect with people and be around animals more often, because no matter what, I would have at least one thing in common with customers and that was our love for our pets. 
My passion for pet sitting grew over the years, till I decided to start my own company. 
Throughout my life, I have had cats, a hamster and a turtle. Currently I have three cats; Marly, Lia and Freddy. They are healthy and vaccinated.

About Sami

Sami was my cat that I adopted in 2015! He was my symbol of freedom and independence, for I had not been able to keep a cat due to different situations. Sami helped me process the past and was the warm friendly spirit in the house!  I live in an appartement on the second floor, so he learned how to go outside and come back if I called him from the balcony. Over time, he started roaming the neighbourhood daily and would walk with me in the streets and when he wanted to come back inside, he would meow loudly in front of the building door. He was very talkative and playful. The day I got the call that he was found dead, probably due to getting hit by a car, was one of the worst days I had experienced. He was wild and free and he knew he was loved. I’m always missing him and there won’t be another Sami. Luckily, his son, Marly and his granddaughter, Freddy (Marly’s daughter) are living with me.
Sami was a huge motivation for me to start pet-sitting as he got along with other cats and dogs and befriended them easily, hence I saw pets as his friends, and in his honour I named the company after him.