
Welcome to Sami’s friends, pet sitting services in Groningen by Lilas.


Most types of pets are welcome, including, cats, dogs, birds, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, hamsters and other rodents.
My services include visiting the pets once a day while you are away, walking dogs, or pets can stay at my place either for a few days or for a few hours in case you are having a busy day. My services depend largely on my availability.


I provide services within the 8 km radius from my location 9721. However, pet stay over has no radius limit.
Commuting charges may apply. Pick-ups and drop-offs of pets are not provided.
For exact times of a particular service, please check the information under each service.
I can provide only a limited number of services per day, therefore, booking is not possible in case that number is reached.


For booking, please contact me either via email or whatsapp.
Please mention the service you need with the dates and a proposed time where we can get acquainted before the start of the service period.
*It is expected that large dogs are well trained/behaved.

Terms and Conditions

An agreement contract will be signed between us before the petsitting period starts. Please read the terms and conditions.

Cat behaviour and cat grooming
Are you looking for a cat groomer? Or do you need a consultation for a behaviour your cat is exhibiting?
You can contact Charlotte Baselmans via Kattenstreken.