Getting acquainted

Before I take care of your pets I would like to arrange a meeting where we get acquainted. Your pet/pets meet me and we decide whether we are a match and whether the service can be provided. It is therefore advised that you contact me ahead of time before the required period of pet sitting.
Feel free to ask me what you would like to know during the meeting.


After getting acquainted, I would ask for instructions to follow to provide the best comfortable care to your pet.
I would also ask for the contact information of your vet and your emergency contact.
Moreover, a signed agreement will take place before the start period of the required service. Please read the terms and conditions.


By the end of the period of the service, you will recieve a receipt and a payment request.

In case you are having financial difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact me and we can find a solution for payment together because all pets deserve the best care.